Our authentic selection process

The selection process has been developed based on the transparency in order to reach out for the best criteria of selection as shown below

1-Application processing

Embark on your journey by creating a profile on our ELARABY careers website, where we predominantly showcase opportunities tailored to your interests and expertise.


2-CV screening

  • After receiving your application, it will be screened by our recruiter to assess whether your qualifications align with the job                   requirements.
  • Our recruiter may make a phone screening call to further explores more about your background and aligns role objectives.


3-Meet our team

  • HR interview
    • Upon identifying you as a qualified candidate, our recruiter will initiate an HR interview to explore your interests, experience, and motivation, providing you with an opportunity to gain further insights into the role.
  • Technical interview
    • The next step is Conducting technical interview, which may be conducted either online or face to face, with the hiring manager.

This interview serves to evaluate your compatibility with the technical requirements, while also offering you the opportunity to glean insider perspectives on the role.

4-Pre hiring Tests

You may undergo comprehensive evaluations customized to assess your computer skills, proficiency in English, cognitive abilities, strengths, and aspirations to know more about your abilities and
These tests may include numeric or logical reasoning, depending on the role applied for, with prior clarification provided.
We care about getting closer to your abilities, Personality and development areas which can be a guide for your development plan.


5-Job Offer

Get ready to celebrate!
Anticipate receiving your offer details shortly, along with guidance to kickstart the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition into your new role.




At this concluding phase, our onboarding team will guide you through undergoing medical examinations and completing essential hiring prerequisites.

Welcome aboard to the ELARABY Group.

7-What you Need to Do

  • Understand the business.
  • Learn the JD.
  • Clarify your relevance.
  • Apply-Set Alerts-Join Community.



Enter your email address to tell us about yourself. We will keep you informed about job opportunities and events that match your interests.

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